Trust, Integrity, Accuracy & Experience.

Superannuation Services

Superannuation Services

As the rules around superannuation change, so too does the complexity of this important aspect of financial management for individuals and business.

Regardless of whether you have a self-managed super fund or contribute to a large corporate fund, we have the expertise to ensure you are compliant in regard to your taxation and audit requirements.

Our superannuation services include:

- Establishment of self-managed superannuation funds including all registrations

- Preparation of financial statements

- Reporting of member entitlements and ETP calculations

- Superannuation guarantee contributions

- Auditing of self-managed superannuation funds

Self Managed Superannuation Funds

Self-managed super funds have become a popular way for Australians to build their retirement savings, over 1 million people are now members. With the tax and cost benefits that come with SMSFs, they allow you to build significantly more tax-free wealth. Which means more money and a better lifestyle when you retire.

Thousands of SMSF are being established every year and, with more than half a billion now invested, they represent about one third of Australian’s total superannuation saving.

Why Self-Managed Superannuation Fund?

- An SMSF allows you more control over how you manage your own super

- Removes administration fees paid to Industry or Retail super funds

- Increased flexibility in investment choices and asset selection – an SMSF can purchase shares or property or both.

- The ability to transfer personally owned listed securities directly into superannuation

- The ability to own your business’ real property in the superannuation fund, assisting funding and cash flow problems for many businesses

- Tailored managed of tax on investment income and capital gains.

At Brien's Taxation Service we utilise BGL's software to manage your Superannuation needs.

BGL’s Simple Fund 360 is the preferred choice of over 2,300 Self Manager Super Fund Accountants and administrators. BGL is now Australia’s leading developer of SMSF administration and ASIC corporate compliance software solutions.

Our fees and charges for Superannuation Funds unlike other companies are not based on the total of your wealth within the fund, our fees are charged based on the amount of work provided. This ensures our rates are competitive and that you are only charged for the services we complete.

Over 50+ years experience - looking after your financial future.